Today, we are all used to the idea that we can independently create and publish content on the Internet

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Tomislav Jeličić

Direktor i osnivač Firmus grupa d.o.o.

A brief overview of online services for publishing Internet content and the advantages that the WordPress system has over these services.

Online services for publishing content

Since the appearance of the first systems for creating websites free of charge in the mid-2000s, many free and paid online services have grown up that allow designing websites and publishing content on them. All such services try to make their services easy to use and thus present the creation of web pages as a process that can be achieved in a few mouse clicks. The process of creating website content is closely related to website design. This is why such services offer free or paid design templates that are applicable to a number of specific areas of business. Users who use such services most successfully are those who have the habit of using computer programs daily, most of the time in their working day. The use of such services requires a lot of time, especially for inexperienced users. Users who have time to familiarize themselves with the tools and processes when publishing content with enough time must certainly have a dose of creativity when choosing graphics and composing accompanying text. Graphical and textual content are the key to establishing a conversion flow. Conversion is the path that will lead the website visitor from the first visit to the website to the goal we want to achieve. The goal is usually sales or engagement for the products and services you offer, which is often the reason for creating a website in the first place.

Encountering problems in using online services

We encounter the lack of such systems when we cannot find a solution for the functionality we want to achieve in the range of possibilities they offer. Such requests are becoming more common as more and more complex marketing methods appear every day. If we want to use them and the service does not have these options, the solution is to change the service provider, change the service. If by then we have published a lot of complex content with graphics and text, moving that content to a new website will certainly be a very painstaking job. That is why it is very important to choose a service provider that develops quickly and quickly adopts novelties and upgrades the service.


Advantages of the WordPress system

A more favorable solution is to opt for a WordPress system that is developed simultaneously by thousands of providers of various plugins that we can use to publish the most diverse content and achieve all possible marketing methods. Such a system abounds with all possible solutions. In it you can always find the right component that will fulfill your requirements down to the smallest detail. WordPress powers 36.28% of the top million websites in the world. (BuiltWith, 2022) WordPress is used by 43.2% of all websites on the Internet. (W3Techs, 2021) Web design based on WordPress can be built precisely down to the smallest detail, with appearance and functionality according to the needs imposed by new marketing trends every day. The most popular webshop system in the world Woocommerce is built for WordPress. The most affordable component for automatic publishing of multilingual content WPML is built for WordPress. The best SEO component for optimizing a website for Internet search engines Yoast SEO is built for WordPress.


In short, the most affordable multi-language website or webshop with all the possibilities you can imagine is achievable only in WordPress. To achieve the perfect design and enable all the details and achieve the functionality of an artificial intelligence that does a lot of important marketing methods on its own requires a lot of learning and requires programming and design skills. For the end user of a professionally configured WordPress website, it is easy to manage the content and, most importantly, realize the expected benefits. If you are not satisfied with the possibilities provided by the web designer of your WordPress website, it is not necessary to change the website system, it is enough just to change the web designer.


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