Content recycling – reuse and Slideshare …

Reading Time: 1 minute
Tomislav Jeličić

Direktor i osnivač Firmus grupa d.o.o.

You have decided to meet with the creation of content for online marketing. In doing so, you must have encountered the problem that this content needs to be published in three or more places. Below we bring you a couple of excellent solutions that will surely help you.

Valuable Insights from Esteemed Marketing Experts

If you have mastered copywriting techniques, you have given your creativity ample space. Typically, these are used for Instagram and Facebook, LinkedIn, newsletters, and your website’s blog.

To avoid “reinventing the wheel,” we provide at the end of the text guidelines published by one of the most renowned marketers, Gary Vaynerchuk.

His method is essentially a work-study template. It describes how to use available apps on any mobile device to publish one piece of content across as many platforms as possible while spending the least amount of time.

Of course, the environment we are in is different from the U.S., on which he bases his methods, but it is certainly an interesting approach.

You can always create your own expression tailored to you.

Before diving into Gary Vaynerchuk’s very interesting process, I will share with you the method that has proven to be the most effective for promoting promotional discounts on items in a webshop.

  1. We wrote a blog in which we briefly announced the promotional discount.
  2. We then “pinned” the items to which we had previously applied discounts in the WooCommerce webshop system to that blog.
  3. We wrote a short post with a graphic featuring those items and a large “Sale” label, and we published it on Instagram and Facebook.
  4. We tagged those items in the graphic on Instagram and Facebook since our webshop is connected to both Instagram and Facebook shops.
  5. We used the same graphic for a paid ad on Facebook Business Manager and set it up so that clicking the ad opens the blog where the promotion described in points 1 and 2 is detailed.
  6. We also used the same graphic for an ad on the Google Display Network.

In this way, we utilized the same text and graphic across 5 promotional channels.

In point 1, we emphasized to customers that by signing up for the newsletter, they ensure they receive timely information about such important promotions.

Now, take a look at the method devised by Gary Vaynerchuk.

This post by Gary Vaynerchuk was published using the Slideshare plugin, which is free and allows you to share your slides that your partners can then publish on their WordPress sites. These can include price lists, promotional offers, or parts of your product range, and it’s up to you to create and share them.

In this way, customers are retained on your partners’ websites, ensuring a conversion pathway and increasing sales.

You have prepared your website for selling the assortment you offer. You certainly don’t want the customer to leave “empty-handed.“


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